
Most of the world’s greatest challenges are ecological. We are all students in this rapidly changing world and depend upon everyone’s creativity and hard work to find solutions.  We learn by combining intense exposure to data and concepts, regular practice of new skills, and making time for quietude and contemplation.

We currently teach three courses.

Biology 3403–Principles of Ecology

This Biology elective has a unique structure. Tuesday and Thursday, prepped by homework consisting of a variety of readings and videos, ready to apply and practice the science of ecology. Students work collaboratively in teams of 3, work that carries over to the 3 hour lab, where new questions are asked, new experiments are designed and followed throughout the semester and new discoveries emerge. In short, this is a science course about doing science.  Syllabus

Biology 5413–Community Ecology

This Biology elective is a survey of the big questions in a large, messy, integrative study of the properties of species assemblages. It is aimed at graduate students. We survey the main bodies of theory and empirical work  in biodiversity, trophics, and ecosystem function. Along the way we develop skills underlying how to read and deconstruct the literature. This course is aimed at graduate students. Syllabus

Biology 5453–Advanced Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Like its namesake at the University of Arizona, this course is geared specifically to get new students in the EEB graduate program up to speed on the scope of research in EEB at OU as well as developing skills toward being an effective scholar and teacher. Syllabus